It has been months months since I have blogged. I have been through planning a wedding, nine months of a foot infection and surgery, bariatric surgery, marrying off a daughter, worrying about a sick father-in-law, the death of a really close niece, and last but not least, sending that newly married daughter off to live in another state while her hubby studies at the seminary etc., etc., etc. It seems there was time to blog but honestly, I don't know if mentally I could have. I found out at age 62, things such as planning and surgeries and moves, hit me a lot harder......yes, I do mean in the brain. Thinking clearly is a rarity these days. Hopefully things have settled down now. I want to get back to writing. I miss putting my thoughts down. Anyway, I am becoming more and more like the cartoon "Maxine". That's how I remember what I have done the day before.
Our family has really changed a lot lately. Chad, Missy, Morgan, Madyson and Ashlyn, along with Karma, the dog, moved to Charleston, SC. They bought a lovely home on Daniel Island. Chad moved with his work. The girls all started brand new schools this week. It has been interesting for them. Two tenth graders and a fourth grader in new schools makes for some jittery nerves. Just last week, Katie and Caleb, along with Storm the dog, moved to Wake Forest, NC for Caleb to begin seminary. They are still settling in. Katie is looking for a job and we are all trusting God to provide something for her. She and Caleb enjoyed a mission trip to Venezuela with Bill and our team from Bethleham. It was a great success. Their lives were changed forever and so were the lives of hundreds of Venezuelans who came to know Christ. Jeff, Amy, McKenna, Bailey, Avery and Quinn are still in Lyman, SC. Jeff still pastors LifeSong Church. They will be going in a brand new building in September. They continue to grow by leaps and bounds. God has blessed over and over again the ministry there. They average over 700 on Sundays. This growth has taken place over a little over three years.
Bill and I are about to complete 7 years at Bethlehem Baptist. It has been a fast and super-sweet time. Bill still enjoys two yearly trips to Venezuela. He also teaches two courses at Truett-McConnell College. I still sing in the choir, teach 1st Grade Sunday School, WMU, and a few other things. There is never a dull moment.
God is still blessing. He provides for our every need. So, Where Have I Been? Right here, that's where!!
K-5 Graduation!
10 years ago