I am feeling very nostalgic this morning. We had another Mother's day yesterday. My Mom has been gone for 4 1/2 years but I missed her as much yesterday as if she had just passed yesterday. I am so glad I had a mother who was so lovable. She was so funny. We laughed all the time. She could get so tickled at the slightest thing. I could tell story after story of her and how many silly things she did and times we got so tickled we almost wet our pants. My, I loved that woman. Thanks for the wonderful memories, Mom.
Amy, Missy and Katie, the loves of my life, continue to make me so proud. They are all super busy young women. Each one makes me so proud. I don't see Amy and Missy as much as I would like but they are in my heart everyday as I pray for them. God has blessed me with three talented and wonderful daughters. They are also fantastic mothers themselves and live very busy lives.
My seven granddaughters, Morgan, Madyson, Ashlyn, McKenna,Bailey, Avery and Quinn are so precious to me. Morgan and Madyson are doing such "teenage things" and I love reading their Facebook posts as they pass through one crisis after another with the "boy problems' etc. They are so busy with school. McKenna is playing soccer. She is so tall and slender. She is going to be a great athlete. All the rest of the girls are busy with all kinds of things. Avery and Bailey cheered for UPWARD sports. Ashlyn is busy trying to mimic her older sisters. Quinn is potty training and talking her mom's ear off. They are all so unique and I love them dearly.
My sisters, Lib and Martha, are my sounding boards when I need advice and believe me, I call them regularly. We have always been close and have gotten even closer since the death of our Mom. I love them so much. Each of us have gone through our series of health problems this year. It has been good to have each other to lean on.
Family is so important. I hope we never lose that bond.
K-5 Graduation!
10 years ago