Writing doesn't come easy for me. I want to try and share over the next few months a little of our life together. Bill and I have been married for almost 38 years. We have known each other forever since we were in all grades together from the first to the twelfth. Now that's amazing in itself. We liked each other off and on all through school. We didn't begin dating until the latter part of our senior year.
Living with Bill has been quite an adventure. I have given him much fodder for his sermons. People love to hear what it has been like over the years in Bill's pastorates. He has been preaching since the age of 16. I have not been the stereotypical pastor's wife (whatever that is). For one thing, I love to laugh, Bill likes to tell stories so I give him plenty of funny things to tell about so everybody can be happy.
One of the latest things to happen in our life is that Bill just had to buy a new car. Now, Bill gets very attached to his cars. He even names those babies. He's had one named "Old Betsy". I thought he was gonna croak when she croaked. He gave her to Good Will. We weren't gonna be home the day they were coming to pick her up, so he left Old Betsy, the title, keys etc. in front of the house and called them and told them that they could come while we were gone to get her. I really don't think he could have stood seeing that Burgundy Betsy drive away. It was like a death in the family when we came home and she was gone.
The latest car that he has been driving is an old, blue Lumina. Her name, of course, is Old Blue. She is the most awful color of blue. Talk about attached........He loves that nasty thing. You see, he drives his cars until the wheels fall off. The seats are coffee stained. He hit a deer near our house recently so the whole front end is dented in. The smell of the deer comes up through the vents when he's riding in it. If he could've found that deer, he would have tongue lashed it for hurting his Old Blue. The mechanic just told him that it was going to cost about $1,500 to fix. The air doesn't work and the mechanic told him "You're just going to be riding down the road and she's gonna quit on you." He ain't gonna have that and he certainly wasn't going to put that much money into a '97 Lumina. So, guess what? Bill bought a new car. Old Blue is still here and he's trying to decide what he wants to do with her. I would just take her to the Junkyard Graveyard. He wants to "do what is right by her". I think he will probably give her to a group that refurbishes cars for missionaries to drive when they are home on stateside assignment.
Bill's new car is so nice. It's a 2003 Saturn (o.k., so it's new to him) It is pewter gray with black leather interior. It has seat warmers, sun roof, A 6CD Changer!!!! and the backseat lets down all the way into the trunk. I am sure that will be my bed on long trips. It is a pretty nice car. The seats are not coffee stainable. It has great air and heat. I think he is set for the next 15 years.
Oh yes, that's probably how long he'll have it. I wonder what her name will be. Yep, it's a "her".
They're all "hers". I hope she has an exotic name like "Old ZSA ZSA." She's elegant!!!
K-5 Graduation!
9 years ago
Great first blog! Maybe you should name the Saturn "Silver Fox." For people around here, that was a bar, but you could always give it new meaning! :)
Hey Sistah Chick! I'm glad you began to let us know what's going on in your life! (Like I didn't already know). I've really enjoyed writing on my blog and I know you will too. I'm not a writer either but it's fun. I thought you did very good! Glad brother-in-law got his "new" car!
Okay, Kathy! I knew I loved y'all for some reason! I also name all of my cars. Coming up with a car name is quite a feat...it has to come to you! It really is an intimate relationship one has with a car that is named. Not everyone gets that! I haven't read the MOPS entry, but I am loving your blog! Keep it up! You are quite the write! Love, Erin
Hi Kathy, I am Hollins...the 'other' Kathy's friend. Thank you for letting me visit your blog. The other Kathy has suggested I might do one.(I also am a minister's wife) You had so many interesting things to say, I am not sure whether mine would be very interesting. However, I am thinking this might be another one of those things I am being encouraged to do that causes me to step out of my comfort zone.
So I will keep reading your interesting,entertaining and uplifting blog and I may just give it a try, too.
I enjoyed your window into your world.
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